As the hydraulic technology advances, hydraulic and bi-fold doors are sought out for their looks, durability, long-term value, ease of installation and choice of custom design. Hydraulic doors can be easily installed and insulated and steel is an incredibly durable material.
When it comes to aesthetics there are endless options for attractive appearances for your steel hydraulic door. Anything from modern stainless steel to bright colors to a faux material appearance can be used for your steel hydraulic door. This solution gets you the strength of steel while still providing you with the aesthetic that you crave.
Hydraulic doors can be custom made to fit any size opening for your building. Each door is built to fit your clear opening without using up existing headroom. There is no such thing as an odd size door or a job too small. You dream it, and we make your dreams come true!
Contact us today to talk to one of our hydraulic door experts: 631-224-3500 or at
AJ Garage Doors is proud to be the installer
of choice for the Yankee Stadium’s Toyota Terrace!
Another one of our hydraulic bifold door installation
at Hudson Pier, 8 story shopping mall in mid town Manhattan!